Bob Custer
Bob Custer began the Downsize Farm Agency with Midge Custer in 2006. As the Agency Director, Bob appreciates being involved with clients as well as seeing staff skillfully engaging with each individual. He also explores opportunities to respond to changing trends in the DODD field. He says, “I greatly enjoy recognizing the development of clients as they find the skills and activities they enjoy.”
Prior to the establishment of Downsize Farm, Bob and Midge’s life was quickly introduced to the realm of DODD with the birth of their son Levi in 1994. Having a child with a developmental disability quickly armed them for more involvement in the field and encouraged them to adopt their son Eric in 1999, and foster Randi in 2002. With the growth of Levi, Eric, and Randi, the Custer’s knew that they needed to create opportunity. Through Downsize Farm, Bob was able to develop and customize programming for individuals in order to create activities and see clients thrive. He says, “Clients have dreams but don’t always know how to get there. We can help identify what the road blocks are and get around them.” |
Midge Custer
Midge has been serving as Program Director at Downsize Farm for seven years. Her job is to oversee client advocates, and make sure that they have all the materials needed to complete various tasks alongside clients. In addition, Midge runs the gift shop, Antiques and Curiosities, located in the career prep center.
Prior to starting Downsize Farm with her husband, Bob Custer, Midge has learned to key into the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities by raising three children with special needs. Through her experiences, she has learned how to facilitate staff to offer the best programming for each client. She says, “I look at my job at Downsize Farm as a ministry. I love and really care about the people I work with.” |
Pearl Cline
Downsize Farm has been fortunate to have been backed by Pearl Cline’s knowledge and skills since the company’s birth. Pearl initially served as a consultant for Bob and Midge within the making of Downsize Farm. As the business has grown, Pearl has become a major cornerstone, serving as Director of Administration. In a Downsize Day, Pearl creates processes that ensure adherence to regulations and facilitates the growth of the business through projects like the Ball and the Job Center.
Prior to working for Downsize Farm, Pearl was a Plan coordinator for Clark County DODD, the director of SOLO - a community living agency, and a school teacher. Pearl states that her favorite aspect of working at Downsize Farm is, “The amazing spirit of love, and the genuine joy of living that the clients show.” |
Clay Miller
Clay has been serving as the Case Management Director of Downsize Farm for two years. In this position, Clay is responsible to understand and manage all Client’s Individual Specialized Plans. He also handles administrative paperwork and payroll.
Clay received his bachelor’s degree in Business Management from DeVry University. In addition, he worked at Goodwill as an enclave job coach for two years. Clay’s dedication to Downsize Farm surpasses his credentials. He recognizes that every client is different, and works to meet each individual’s needs. He says, “I love working with the clients and I love how the DFSS team feels like a family.” |
Bill Smith
Bill has been working at Downsize Farm for 2 years. Previously, Bill served as a client advocate for the farm. He now serves as a bus driver and the Vocational Manager. In a Downsize Day, Bill assesses clients’ vocational abilities and helps them develop the path to their dream job.
Prior to working for Downsize Farm, Bill served as a youth pastor and he worked with individuals with developmental disabilities at Oesterlen Services for Youth. Though Bill spends a great deal of time teaching individuals various job skills, he has learned something too—“That no matter what abilities an individual has, he/she can always surprise you. |
Bobbi Custer
Micah Bonsell
Jason Hawkins
Jason has been serving as a bus driver and client advocate since November 2015. In a Downsize day, he teaches crafts, and he also leads the Men's group and morning devotions.
Prior to working for Downsize Farm, Jason was a Teaching Parent at Adriel School, a bible school student, and a Hobby Lobby Associate. Jason is just beginning his journey at Downsize Farm, but he already feels that he has never had such a wonderful with such wonderful people. |
Alex Smith
Alex has been serving as a client advocate at Downsize Farm for one year. In her Downsize day, Alex is in charge of the restaurant track at the career prep center. While teaching various cooking techniques and recipes, Alex’s goal is to facilitate clients in discovering creative cooking skills that they can be proud of.
Prior to working at Downsize Farm, Alex worked at Busy Bakery as well as Der Dutchman for several years. While she has a strong love for cooking, Alex explains that seeing the “I did this” look on clients’ faces is what truly brightens her day. She says, “I may be helping the clients, but they have taught me so much more. I am so thankful to be a part of Downsize Farm.” |
Barb McKee
Chris Eckhart
Samantha McInnis
Ashley Brandle
Chelsea Demetroff
Larry Downs
Theresa Law
Lacie Lookabaugh
Melissa Lopez
Keith Lynch
Kate Phillips
"A whole new level of joy and love."Kate has been serving as a client advocate since November 2015. She oversees activities such as art, gardening, baking, and she particularly spends time with our Special Supports Group.
Before her occupation at Downsize Farm, Kate developed a passion for individuals with developmental disabilities with her parents' involvement with various programs. She, herself has helped run and start various programs and activities for individuals as well. Though Kate came to DF with experience, the clients have taught her much more. She says she has learned a whole new level of joy and love and every day she sees a new level of compassion that not only the clients bring, ut the staff as well. |
Ed Smith
“Friendship is Magic.”Ed has been a client advocate at Downsize Farm for eight weeks. Ed begins each Downsize Day as a bus driver. He also oversees trash removal, lawn care, and his personal favorite, bus washing.Before beginning his career at Downsize Farm, Ed worked in a middle school MH classroom as a personal aide for a student. Other experiences that have enriched Ed’s capabilities include working as a youth advisor as well as a Sunday school teacher.
Carla Cline
Rocky Grimes
Andi Grow
Andi has been an art teacher and foster care provider for Downsize Farm for 3 years. In a Downsize day, she teaches various art aspects including painting, drawing, designing, crafting, and organizing.
Prior to working for Downsize Farm, Andi served in a wide variety of jobs. She taught children with developmental disabilities, she served as an independent provider, a barista, a worship leader and as a home manager in a group home. Overall, Andi truly enjoys her position at Downsize Farm, she says, “I enjoy the freedom and trust given to the employees. It is very refreshing and makes me want to do the best job I can.” |
Floyd Smith